Completed master's theses (selection)

The names of the supervisors and authors have been removed for reasons of data protection.



  • Poverty Dynamics and Internet Influence: A Comparative Analysis of Rural Populations in Thailand and Vietnam
  • Die digitale Welt im Wandel: Herausforderungen und Chancen von Künstlicher Intelligenz und Klimawandel
  • Agroforestry in Germany: Invastigating Consumers' Perception and Purchase Intention Using the Theory of Planned Behavior
  • Economic Potentials of Hydrogen-Based Supply Chains: A Multiplier Anlaysis für the United Kingdom
  • Die Akzeptanz von Insekten als Lebensmittel - Eine Konsumentenbefragung


  • Natural Resource Extraction and Poverty in Thailand and Vietnam
  • Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Environment Conservation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Welfare of Rural Households: Evidence from Thailand
  • Public Transfer as a Coping Strategy for Consumption Smoothing During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Rural Thailand
  • Encouraging Environmentally Friendly Consumption - An Empirical Analysis in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Sector
  • Agricultural Commercialisation and Rural Transformation: Evidence from Panel Data for Southeast Asia


  • Climate Change and Natural Resource Conflicts between Refugees and Hosts: An ABM for Rural Zambia
  • Ethnic Diversity and Natural Resource Extraction in Vietnam
  • Agricultural Commercialization and Poverty in Southeast Asia
  • The Effect of Crop Diversification on Multidimensional Poverty: Evidence from a Panel Study
  • How Resilient is the Local Food System in Thailand?
  • Local Infrastructure and Vulnerability to Poverty in Southeast Asia
  • A General Equilibrium Analysis on Hydrogen in Aviation and Future Scenarios 2050
  • Policy Instruments for Aviation's Turn Towards Green Hydrogen: A Macroeconomic Model for Germany
  • Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Resilienz von Landwirt:innen in Deutschland
  • An Agent-based Model of Sustainable Forest Use: A Refugee Setting in Zambia
  • Climate Change, Land Rental Markets, and Poverty: Evidence from Southeast Asia
  • Analyzing the Factors Influencing Migrants' Subjective Well-Being in Emerging Economies
  • Modeling and Examining Different Policies to Support the Use of Green Hydrogen in the Aviation Sector
  • Die Rolle der Online-Vermarktung in der deutschen Lebensmittelbranche
  • Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie auf die Digitalisierung und die Nutzung digitaler Vertriebskanäle in der Landwirtschaft
  • COVID-19 Pandemic and Digitalisation in the Agricultural Sector - A Study of Perceived Resilience of German Farmers
  • Sanitation and Health of Farmers in Vietnam
  • An Agent-based Simulation of Deforestation in a Refugee Setting: Experience from Zambia
  • How do Dams to Generate Electricity Affect Migration? Evidence from Vietnam


  • Livestock Production and Food Security: Evidence from Rural Zambia
  • Local Infrastructure and Vulnerability to Poverty in Vietnam
  • Do Health and Wealth Define Migrants' Happiness and Future Planning?
  • The Effects of COVID-19 on Online Food Shopping
  • Food Security in a Refugee Hosting Community in Rural Zambia
  • Value Chain Analysis of Sustainable Utilization of Pineapple Residues - A Case Study from Costa Rica
  • Circular Economy along the Coffee Value Chain - A Sustainable Waste Management Approach from Brazil
  • Influence of Non-Cognitive Skills on Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Rural Households in Southeast Asia
  • Assessment of Resilience of Local Food System in Vietnam
  • The Effect of Extreme Weather Events on Children's Human Capital Accumulation in Vietnam
  • Consumers' Perception on Online Food Trade - Does it Change over Time?
  • Dams for Water Supply and Electricity Generation: Impact on Selected Determinants of Sustainable Development Goals in South-East Asia
  • Slash-and-burn in Developing Countries: An Exemplary Village Economy in Zambia
  • Food Insecurity and Effects on Health in Rural Zambia
  • The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Trade Channels from a Consumer Perspective - Digitalization as an Opportunity?
  • Das Haltungsformsiegel - Konsumentenbefragung in Deutschland zu Einstellung und Kaufverhalten
  • Agricultural Commercialisation and Income Effect in Vietnam
  • Der Onlinehandel in Zeiten der COVID-19 Pandemie: Ergebnisse einer Konsumentenbefragung aus Deutschland
  • Profit versus Sustainability - Corporate Social Responsibility and the Perception of Consumers
  • Sustainability within the Furniture Industry - An Analysis of Retailer Behavior Regarding the Choice of Suppliers
  • Impact of Free Trade Agreement on the Export of Vietnam´s Textile and Apparel Products: Implications for the EU-Vietnam Agreement
  • Klimaschutzmaßnahmen im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel: Treiber, Hürden und Lösungsvorschläge - Die Fallstudie EDEKA