Seminar Asian Economies (377000)

Seminar profile

General Details
Seminar title Seminar Asian Economies
Course code(s) 377000
Academic session WinSem 2024/25
Course content Asian Economies
Target group / area (Zuordnung)

Area International Environment and Development Studies

Number of participants  
Course language English
Location Internal seminar
Objectives The seminar is a course for students of the Area "Master Economics, International Environment and Development Studies". The students have to fulfill two tasks in groups of 3-4 participants. Firstly, a scientific article is to be reviewed. Secondly, they have to write a proposal for a research project using the data of the Thailand Vietnam Socio Economic Panel (TVSEP; The proposal has to be presented in a block event. The total grade consists of paper review, written proposal and presentation.
Formal guidelines Guidelines for scientific papers (on Stud.IP)
Basic literature to introduce each topic In the introductory lecture the student will get detailed information.
Methodology Individual methodological approaches must be elaborated in the project proposal and assessed in the review.
Length of term paper Number of pages: Review: 2-3; Proposal: 15-20
Performance requirements / evaluation  [indicate weighting] Compulsory attendance (Introductory lecture and Presentations) / Review (25%), Proposal (60%), Presentation (15%)
Examiner(s) Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote
Contact person

Ulrike Grote [Email]

Group Assignments and Topics
Group work Compulsory
Group size about 3-4 participants
Group formation Student suggestions
Topics The topics will be explained during the introductory lecture.
Initial registration

F. Heinrichs [Email]

Process Schedule
Initial registration / application At the beginning of the semester, exact dates will be uploaded on Stud.IP
Initial discussion / topic discussion / kick-off meeting Introductory lecture at the beginning of the semester, exact dates will be uploaded on Stud.IP
Formal (binding) registration At the beginning of the semester, exact dates will be uploaded on Stud.IP, - with form
Presentation Mid to end of the semester; exact dates will be given on Stud.IP