Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftslehre IV
Economics of Development and Environment (76402)
Termine: Lehrpersonen: Di. 11:00 - 12:30 | VII-201 Grote, Tr. Nguyen Inhalt: The course introduces the students into important fundamental economic aspects of development, environment and trade. It provides an overview of socioeconomic and demographic developments and world-wide trends (urbanization, digitalisation) which characterize the globalizing world. It focuses on environmental concepts and terms (e.g. externalities, public goods, optimal pollution). Economic growth theories for development and poverty concepts are discussed next to sustainability concepts or footprints. Interlinkages between development and environmental issues are clearly identified and analysed. International framework conventions and organisations in charge of both development and environment are briefly introduced.
Literatur: Selected articles will be provided during the course.
Bemerkungen: Erwartete Vorkenntnisse: Modules of the first two terms; fair command of English language: the students should have a basic understanding of microeconomic theory. They are free to choose the language – English or German – in the exam.
Kompetenzbereiche Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftslehre
International Competitiveness (273003)
Termine: Lehrpersonen: Do. 14:30 - 16:00 | I-401 Blake-Rath, Grote, Seewald Inhalt: - Concepts, measures and approaches to evaluate the international competitiveness of sectors in an increasingly globalized world (e.g. Global Competitiveness indices)
- International trade and the impact of standards and labelling on competitiveness of countries
- New institutional economics and its role in strengthening competitiveness
- Case studies from the agro-food and industrial sector.
Literatur: - Porter, M. E. (1998) On Competitiveness, New York.
- World Economic Forum (Hrsg.) The Global Competitiveness Report, Geneva, published annually.
A list with selected references will be distributed at the beginning of the course.
Exercise International Competitiveness (273025)
Termine: Lehrpersonen: Blockveranstaltung Blake-Rath, Seewald Inhalt: The exercise is a supplement to the lecture “International Competitiveness” by addressing and deepening course contents and exploring further perspectives of selected topics. Students apply and discuss theoretical and scientific approaches by means of practical applications. The exercise also aims to promote interaction between students. For this purpose, they jointly assess case studies.
Bemerkungen: Selected dates will be announced.
Seminar Development and Environmental Economics (273004)
Termine: Lehrpersonen: Blockveranstaltung Grote Inhalt: Die Studierenden erarbeiten eine Seminararbeit zu einem Thema aus dem Bereich der Entwicklungs- und/oder Umweltökonomie. Im Rahmen einer Blockveranstaltung wird die Arbeit in einem 15 minütigen Vortrag vorgestellt und anschließend diskutiert. Für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme (Hausarbeit, Vortrag, Teilnahme an der Diskussion) wird ein Schein erteilt.
Literatur: Wird themenabhängig bekannt gegeben.
Bemerkungen: Der Termin der Vorbesprechung wird in Stud.IP bekannt gegeben, weitere Informationen werden dort ebenso zur Verfügung gestellt.
Prüferin: Prof. Dr. Grote
Introduction to scientific work at IUW for BSc (273026)
Termine: Lehrpersonen: Blockveranstaltung Grote, Tr. Nguyen Inhalt: This block course is highly recommended to students who aim to write their Bachelor thesis at the Institute of Environmental Economic and World Trade (IUW). No credit points are awarded for this course.
The students learn about
- the formal process from registration to submission of the final thesis.
- their options of writing a scientific literature review, a meta-analysis or doing a thesis with an empirical part.
- How to find, evaluate and use literature efficiently.
- How to find a central topic and suitable title.
- How to formulate research questions and to structure a thesis based on scientific standards.
- Formal requirements of citation, tables, figures etc.
- Scientific writing based on practical examples.
- the process of analyzing data and producing descriptive tables, based on some exercises.